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Developing Creativity

  • 27 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Everyone faces mental blocks from time to time, that prevent focusing, finding answers to problems, discovering inspiration, and achieving goals. Overcoming mental blocks is difficult, but it can be done. If you find yourself blocked, stop and refocus by doing something distracting. Remaining positive is essential to the creative mindset. It is easy to focus on the negative aspects of life because we are hardwired to remember negative information, but this will only lead to self-fulfilling prophecies of failure. There are ways to improve positivity and change your mindset so that you can become more successful in whatever you do. Count your blessings: Focus on the things that you have to be thankful for in your life. You may want to keep a daily list of good things to pull your attention away from the negative. Use positive affirmations: This may seem strange at first, but positive affirmations will help you truly believe that the best is possible. Confront negative thoughts: When facing difficult times, place the events in perspective. It is easy to overreact. Facing the situation directly and honestly will prevent an unhealthy focus on the negative.

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